The European Hegemonic Power Elite’s Fatal Ignorance of the Threat Posed by Salafi Jihadi Discourse
The attack in Berlin, December 19, 2016, by a Salafi Jihadi attacker who pledged allegiance to the ultra-extremist brand of Islamic...
My journey with FIDEL!
In 1959 on that fateful old year’s night in Cuba I was 4+ years old I therefore grew up with Fidel being part of my consciousness and an...
Questions for the EU media on Paris 2015 and Brussels 2016 attacks
These questions arise from the common discourse published in the EU media on both attacks which points to a discourse crafted and fed to...
The Takfiri attacks on the EU by its citizens and their love/hate relationship with the EU
Members of the Arab minority born in the EU who have accepted the worldview/discourse of European enlightenment post modern social orders...