Welcome to Hotel California: The Hijrah of Muslims to Islamic State: the case of the guest house in
In May 2018 the Combatting Terrorism Centre (CTC) published an analysis of the register of an all-female guest house of the Islamic State...
Haiti, Venezuela and the Commonality of Revolution
On January 1, 1804 the state of Haiti was proclaimed as free, liberated space from north Atlantic racist, colonial domination. From...
The Evolution of the Dragon Gas Supply: Maduro, Venezuela, Russia and T&T
The government of T&T insisted repeatedly in the public domain that it’s seeking the supply of a daily volume of natural gas from...
Dinosaurs of Caribbean Trafficking to the EU
A press release dated July 11, 2016 from the NCA of the UK details on the largest seizure of cocaine in the UK’s history to-date were...