Welcome to Hotel California: The Hijrah of Muslims to Islamic State: the case of the guest house in
In May 2018 the Combatting Terrorism Centre (CTC) published an analysis of the register of an all-female guest house of the Islamic State...
In Search of a Consultancy from the Government of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T)?
Upon reading the blog posting of Quilliam International titled: “Will they return; ISIS 5.0 in Trinidad and Tobago?” my immediate...
The Women and Children of Trinidad and Tobago from the Islamic State are they Prisoners of War, Enem
Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the Reuters News agency have reported on the manner in which the foreign males, foreign females and their...
An Islamic State foreign fighter recruit with his family making Hijrah from Trinidad and Tobago OR a
The article titled “ACP transferred: refuses to arrest PC on terror offences” in the Sunday Express of September 10, 2017 must first be...
The Jihad of July 27, 1990 and Militant Sunni Islam in Trinidad and Tobago
July 27, 2017 was the 27th anniversary of the Jihad of July 27, 1990 carried out by 114 male members of the Jamaat al Muslimeen against...

The Oath of Allegiance (bay’ at) to the Khilafah/Islamic State made manifest
The female suicide bomber with an infant in her arm who detonated her explosive vest killing herself and the baby is the most potent...
Islamic State’s discourse of the Treachery of Erdogan
Rumiyah 3 was released in November 2016 In Rumiyah 3 in an article titled: “The Weakest House is that of a Spider” Islamic State listed...
Reports from Syria point to the unspoken REALITY! Take note Trinidad and Tobago!
North Atlantic corporate media has replaced reporting on reality from on the ground in Syria with political discourse that seeks to...
Islamic State and the loss of Dabiq
The Islamic State (IS) in response to further loss of territory in Syria and Iraq in September 2016 launched the first issue of its...
The blowback from the propaganda war on terrorism
The politicians and the corporate media of Europe cannot place in the public domain the impact of the terrain of European racism is now...