The Politics of Marijuana/Ganja/Hashish in Belize and Antigua & Barbuda
Suddenly ganja is now a frontline political issue in English speaking states of the Caribbean. In St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis and St...
Haiti, Venezuela and the Commonality of Revolution
On January 1, 1804 the state of Haiti was proclaimed as free, liberated space from north Atlantic racist, colonial domination. From...
The Wages of the UK’s Political Cult of Neoliberalism
The National Strategic Assessment of Serious and Organised Crime 2018 The NSASOC 2018 presents a terrain of organised crime in the UK...
The Efficacy of the EU’s Anti Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Architecture
The EUROPOL report “From Suspicion to Action converting financial intelligence into greater operational impact” presents an analysis of...
Cocaine and Meth in Europe
Reports released by the EMCDDA on the cocaine and meth markets in Europe 2016 reveal the following: the 2013 estimated value of the EU...
Lessons the EU will never learn about extremist attacks from Madrid 2004, Paris 2015 and Brussels 20
The response of the EU to the extremist threat with a racist discourse that attempts to demean and demonise the persons seen as posing...
The supply of methamphetamine/meth/ice to Europe and the Mexican Traffickers
On March 14, 2015 published an article titled: "Nigerian drug agents say they have arrested four Mexicans helping Nigerian...