The Geopolitics of the Supply of Natural Gas from Venezuela to Trinidad and Tobago 2018
Trinidad and Tobago: Do the Dragon Dance! Do the Maduro Dragon Gas dance! It is noteworthy to effect a comparative analysis of the press...
Welcome to Hotel California: The Hijrah of Muslims to Islamic State: the case of the guest house in
In May 2018 the Combatting Terrorism Centre (CTC) published an analysis of the register of an all-female guest house of the Islamic State...
The Evolution of the Dragon Gas Supply: Maduro, Venezuela, Russia and T&T
The government of T&T insisted repeatedly in the public domain that it’s seeking the supply of a daily volume of natural gas from...
Illicit Drug Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling in the EU now Joined at the Hips
EUROPOL released on October 13, 2017 its “EPMT No. 300/2 year special edition” which deals with illicit migration to the EU. From the...
Reports from Syria point to the unspoken REALITY! Take note Trinidad and Tobago!
North Atlantic corporate media has replaced reporting on reality from on the ground in Syria with political discourse that seeks to...
The Impact of Marine Le Pen on French electoral politics
The talking heads of the globalised neo-liberal financial markets are frantically pounding out the discourse of the failure of Le Pen to...