The Impact of Geert Wilders on Government formation post Elections 2017
The result of the general elections of 2017 is the creation of the electoral system to the 150 House of Representatives which saw a voter turnout of 81.9% with the VVD winning 33 seats with 21.3% of votes cast. The PVV 20 seats with 13.1% of votes cast, the CDA 19 seats with 12.4% of votes cast, D66 19 seats with 12.2% of votes cast, GL 14 seats with 9.1% of votes cast and SP 14 seats with 9.1% of votes cast. These six parties account for 119 seats of the total 150 seats. Seven parties won the remaining 31 seats. The VVD, CDA, D66 and GL made the first attempt to form a coalition government but on May 15, 2017 it was announced that the attempt had collapsed as the GL was not willing to dilute its position on immigration thereby marching in lockset with the neo-Wilders position adopted by the other three parties of the potential coalition. The VVD, CDA and D66 has to either look for another partner among the seven holding 22 seats or “persuade” the GL to dance once again. The reality is that Wilders has impacted the electoral politics to the extent where the first tier parties have had to accommodate his position in less “extremist” language for supposed electoral appeal whilst others have had to express extreme rejection of the Wilders discourse in a bid to raise their electoral impact amongst specific voter demographics where the fear of betrayal in post-election bartering for the right to feed at the trough can damage the electability of its leadership next time around so the official mainstream discourse goes. The example posited in the official media discourse is the collapse of the PvdA in the 2017 general elections as a front line vote winning political party. But humans lie and we are not in the room where the bartering for power took place and there is a political reason to insist to the population that you have political actors who are putting your interests ahead of their personal interests. Can GL tone down and walk back in after scuppering the initial coalition negotiations? Yes, they can by appealing to their supporters to guide them in crafting acceptable terms of endearment with the rest. And which party will the VVD, CDA and D66 approach for negotiations towards creating a coalition government? The electoral system handed PVV 20 seats and all hailed the defeat of the PVV for public consumption via corporate media but the extremism of Wilders pushed parties to embrace a watered down version of his discourse or to reject it vehemently. What then do you do in your bid to form a government leaving Wilders in the wilderness of opposition politics? Can those who share the vision of Wilders’ Netherlands but afraid to express it as he does now exclude Wilders whilst they dance with those who vehemently reject Wilders? Yes, they can and expect the call to race solidarity will soon trump the strategy of vehement rejection for what use is a politician to himself and the oligarchs when he refuses to feed at the trough on an issue of principle. As long as Wilders refuses to change his discourse to one in which the neo-Nazi agenda is masked with platitudes as Le Pen valiantly tried to do in the runoff of the French presidential elections he will rot in futile opposition politics and soon his voters will desert him leaving only the hard core committed neo-Nazis who cannot constitute a vote winning coalition partner machine in Dutch politics. This is Wilders’ time to understand the message and dance to the music if you want to be politically relevant to the next general election. Don’t worry those who refuse to dance will soon get the message.
The 1,372,741 voters or 13.1% of the votes cast who voted for the PVV have now registered their protest over the social order of the Netherlands and their support for the Wilders’ vision but what is the profit for them with this vote? Some will be satisfied that they did vote for the PVV others will take the lesson that voting was futile and change only comes through violence. Most important the other parties will re-create their vision to capture these PVV voters as they are in the business to capture voter support then feed at the trough. In this political reality all non-whites in the Netherlands after the 2017 general elections will now occupy a special space created by a specific discourse of biopolitics to address their specific non-whiteness, the threat it poses to the white majority and the discourse of discipline and punishment to police this group with the “GAZE” permanently affixed to it. For the politics of the Netherlands now demands this for Wilders must be marginalised but his discourse embraced and reconceptualised to serve mainstream politics and politicians for the oligarchs demand no less. Our skin, hair, lips etc. will be the brand we wear to signal our difference as we slide into the neo-Nazi netherworld. Any non-white who believes that a white politician will deny the pragmatic demanded of their race to attain power and feeding rights to the trough for the sake of a minority non-white group is delusional to the point of being self-destructive. It’s called “selling you down the river” which we cobbled together to describe the European slave trade and it still expresses reality potently up to today for US!