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Cholera is now the new threat and Al-Hawl/Hol camp Festers

The collapse of the supply of potable water sourced from the Euphrates river triggered by dams built in Turkiye diminishing the volume of water entering Syria especially in the summer months has triggered a cholera outbreak that is spreading and threatening the Al-Roj and Al-Hawl/Hol camps. Clearly the viability of these camps is in tatters which increases the pressure for repatriation of T&T citizens.

General Michael Kurilla head of US Central Command visited Al-Hawl/Hol camp on September 9, 2022 and made an analysis of the reality of this camps and how it impacts its inmates and the strategic reality of the engagement with a resurgent Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. Kurilla's discourse is a wake up call to the T&T government who continues to delude itself that abandoning our citizens in the camps in NE Syria is a viable, sustainable long term solution. Kurilla's discourse is a wake up call.



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